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PrepNow Tutor - Tim B.

Photo of Tim B.
Tim's Bio

A former Senior Associate Director of Admissions at Choate Rosemary Hall, Tim is passionate about mentoring students through the private secondary school application process. Tim attended Choate Rosemary Hall and received his BS in business management from Albertus Magnus College. Two decades after graduating, he was inspired to give back to his boarding school alma mater and join Choate Rosemary Hall's admissions office. This decision turned out to be one of the best of his life and he ultimately served Choate for twenty-five years. After retiring in 2018, he eventually returned to the world of admissions. “I missed it. I missed the families. I missed the students,” Tim says. “So, I started educational consulting, which I do now, and will do for as long as I can.” Since then, he has assisted students through the secondary school application process privately and for various consulting companies.

Tim’s favorite aspect of admissions consulting is being a part of each student's life journey. He’s inspired knowing that they are embarking on a new path that will help advance them and their community. “I love knowing that they are entering a place where everything about themselves will be defined as ‘before’ and ‘after’ this experience,” Tim says. “I love watching students grow during our brief but significant time together and watching the pride of their parents. Being a part of that and drawing from their vitality and open-minded spirit continually inspires me.” Because of Tim’s extensive experience in admissions, he’s learned to see greatness in every student. His general approach to consulting is to help them develop the strongest application possible, while also learning to be more proactive, confident, and self-aware. He explains, “I make it clear to every student that the reason I exist in their life is to help them get what they want, and that my actions and words are to that end: to serve them in this important journey that will help springboard them into the rest of their lives.”

Because of Tim’s extensive experience, he has deep insight into secondary school admissions. As a parent, all four of his children attended private school, with three of them graduating from boarding school. Throughout his career, he engaged in national and international recruitment, interviewed students and evaluated applications, and assisted all admission committees in shaping new student pools. “I interviewed more students and read and reviewed more applications than anyone in the history of Choate,” he shares. As a consultant, he has mentored a diverse population of students on every aspect of the application process, deepening each student’s awareness of the process and assisting them through the required steps. He particularly loves to help his students develop their “narrative” to strengthen their profile and its components, and he also ensures that they’re prepared for any interviews. “All of these things work together dynamically and organically as part of the student’s application process,” Tim says. “No single task or item is substantively more important or significant than the others, and any one item, if not sufficiently addressed, can contribute to the student ‘not getting what they want.’”

As a student, Tim participated in soccer, basketball, baseball, tennis, chess, leadership roles, student government, cultural and affinity groups, and various clubs. Music is Tim's greatest passion and he has been presented with Gold and Platinum records, as well as other awards during his time as a professional musician. “I have a unique background and am anxious to bring that to bear on supporting and advising students seeking to enrich their lives with a private school education,” Tim says. He is currently writing a book about his life experiences, as well as compiling, composing, and producing an album of music he's created over many years. Tim firmly believes that few people can truly understand the comprehensive, long-term possibilities offered by superior educational opportunities better than he can. He says, “It’s life-changing, to say the least.”