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PrepNow Tutor - Brenna B.

Photo of Brenna B.
Brenna's Bio

A student-orientated leader who loves helping others succeed, Brenna finds the silver lining in every opportunity and consistently strives to improve herself. She holds a BS in chemistry and secondary education and an MA in teaching from Hamline University, where she graduated magna cum laude with honors. In addition to tutoring test prep, Brenna works as a project manager for Pace Analytical, acting as the liaison between the lab and her clients who are conducting environmental sampling.

Brenna started tutoring when a family friend asked her if she was willing to help an elementary student in reading. “I was in high school and absolutely fell in love with it! It inspired me to become a teacher, and I continue to tutor because I love the one-on-one relationships with students,” Brenna says. Throughout her career, Brenna has tutored the ACT for five years, the SAT for four years, and high school math for ten years. She also was a high school chemistry teacher at a public school for five years.

“My teaching style is a combination of we do/you do,” Benna says. “I will start by asking the student what they are struggling with and find the pain points in their learning. Next, we will do problems together that help them with their pain points and then I will slowly release them.” Brenna explains that most of the time students don't even fully realize that they are completing the problem wholly on their own until the end. “I find that students get stressed when I say ‘Okay, your turn’ so instead I use prompting questions like ‘So what is next’ to help guide them along,” she says.

As a student, Brenna played soccer and participated in High Schools Against Cancer, Colleges Against Cancer, new student orientation, and after-school programming. She is an avid reader, plays piano, and enjoys ballroom dancing, weightlifting, hiking, and playing Dungeons and Dragons. “I have been head bumped by an elephant,” Brenna shares.

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