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PrepNow Tutor - Zia D.

Photo of Zia D.
Zia's Bio

A “proud but humble Black woman,” Zia loves to read, draw, and “develop creative responses to complex problems.” She received her bachelor’s in English and creative writing from Susquehanna University, a private liberal arts college in Pennsylvania. As an undergraduate, Zia worked in the university Center for Diversity and Inclusion where she earned an ATLAS leadership award for intercultural awareness. Since graduating, she has continued her education by enrolling in fine art courses at local design schools, first aid training for everything from CPR to mental health, as well as trainings in cultural and gender-based discrimination.

Since she was young, Zia made it a point to volunteer. Her Catholic upbringing reinforced her desire to uplift and assist people in need. Zia is a committed activist, fighting to protect the rights of both her loved ones and others in her community. In fact, she is currently developing a nonprofit focused on uplifting vulnerable communities. “I do a lot of work in the field of diversity, equity, and inclusion and I think everyone should have access to the tools they need to be successful, safe, and cared for.” This is what led Zia to start tutoring in high school. She has tutored mathematics and ESL. She is an experienced SAT prep and HSPT prep tutor who has worked with both individuals and groups of students. She also worked as a peer educator in her university’s counseling center.

“My approach is a kind of guided review together, gauging what comes easier to the student and seeing where their head is when they make mistakes,” Zia explains. By understanding a student’s thought process, “we can adjust their way of thinking instead of asking them to just remember which answer should be right.” As a neurodivergent, hypersensitive, and curious child, Zia was often penalized for performing tasks in ways that did not conform to expectations. It didn’t matter that she was completing her work, nor that she was bright. Her teaching style is greatly influenced by that history. She says, “I will encourage my students to be true to themselves, work at their pace, and help them understand in ways that make sense to them.” Rather than focusing on generalizations, Zia wants her students to develop good instincts. As she explains, “they’re doing the hard work and I just have the benefit of more experience and an outside perspective.”

In college, Zia was involved in a wide array of organizations. She was an officer in the Black Student Union as well as an officer for her National Coalition of Black Women chapter. She was a member of the feminist collective and Gay-Straight Alliance. She even served as chapter president of Active Minds, a nonprofit promoting mental health awareness and education for young people. Outside of her advocacy work, she also participated in slam poetry, writing, physics, and PSA competitions! She played various sports like flag football and tag in campus-sponsored events.

These days, Zia still enjoys reading, writing, and drawing. She skateboards and games as well as plays piano and cooks. As a child, she learned Spanish so she has been flexing that language muscle to learn Arabic! As always, she is constantly advocating for social justice.

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