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PrepNow Tutor - Ulises G.

Photo of Ulises G.
Ulises's Bio

“I am a flexible educator who tries to find the best learning style for each individual. I take this philosophy of flexibility into my life and try to make the best out of any situation,” says Ulises, an experienced teacher. Ulises graduated Magna Cum Laude from Arizona State University with a bachelor’s in history.

Ulises started his formal tutoring career when he was still an undergrad, working as a mathematics and science tutor at a local high school. During this time, he tutored hundreds of students. After graduating, Ulises started teaching at a charter high school. There, he taught English language development, technology, and honors US history. He was also responsible for SAT and ACT tutoring. As an educator, Ulises is well versed in a number of subjects, which was particularly useful when he became an academic instructor at a correctional facility.

“Education needs to be flexible to truly make a difference in the life of a student,” Ulises explains. He has consistently worked with students who have a wide variety of needs and learning styles. As such, he is quite aware of the need to rapidly shift educational gears. “I believe in teaching through real-world examples,” he says. Students generally appreciate “seeing the real-world applications of academic concepts.” As a teacher, Ulises loves being able to build a rapport with his students, which makes it easier to “help them become independent and critical thinkers.”

When he was in high school, Ulises was the president of the Model United Nations Club. These days he likes to spend time visiting theme parks with his wife. He also enjoys tinkering with technology and 3D printing.

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