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PrepNow Tutor - John K.

Photo of John K.
John's Bio

John has a BS in bioengineering from Cornell University and an MBA from Georgetown University.

He also has a certificate in database management from Illinois Institute of Technology and a certificate in advanced data science from Northwestern University. John currently works as a business analyst for a university. He has worked as an electrical engineer and briefly as a mathematics aide for a high school math department. He took a standardized test to go back to graduate school, and didn't like his results, so he spent a considerable amount of time working to improve his score, and did just that.

John is able to make what may seem difficult understandable for others. He loves working with students and being a part of setting up their best possible life. He has tutored over 30 students one-on-one and while he was a mathematics aide, he covered all math classes at a high school for two years.

John’s approach to his students is to teach the fundamentals that build a foundation so that more difficult problems and concepts can be successfully engaged. “Standardized tests can pose questions that are unfamiliar, but a solid grounding in the basics can yield great results. My teaching approach mirrors my athletics background and training as an engineer,” John says. He believe that success involves understanding the basics and applying that knowledge to problems that test multiple angles of that understanding. “Repetition, like in sports, is critical to ingrain the types of questions that these tests can ask.”

John has an Irish twin. Surprisingly, he has built parts of a satellite that are probably now space garbage. In his free time, he is active in a cycling club and a master's swim group.

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